College Coffee Essentials

Whether you’re distance learning or attending in-person classes this semester, one thing you’ll consistently need is a good amount of caffeine. This week, we’re sharing our favorite options for coffee brewing equipment for the college caffeine fiend! 

Brew Method

If you’re going to brew coffee, you’ll need a means of doing so. Depending on how hands-on you’d like to be during the brewing process, you may find yourself preferring a drip coffeemaker rather than a pour over system. Here are some options ranked from most to least work required to brew the perfect cup. 

Pour Over - Most effort, most tasty

Although it requires the most work on your end, a pour over system is our preferred method of brewing coffee. The 8 cup pour over linked below will allow you to brew the perfect cup every time. It features a reusable filter, meaning you won’t produce as much waste with each brew, and you’ll never question whether you need to buy more filters at the store. 

Bodum 34oz Glass Pour Over

In order to use your pour over, you’ll need a gooseneck kettle, a scale for measuring coffee, and medium-finely ground (drip ground) coffee. Find these items linked at the end of this post.

French Press - Medium effort, most versatile

Requiring less work than a pour over, you may find a French Press to be the best brew method for you. This particular unit is great not only for brewing hot coffee, but for cold press and tea as well. 

Bodum 34oz Glass French Press

Similar to a pour over, you’ll still need a means of boiling water, measuring coffee, and coarsely ground coffee. Find links to these at the end of this post! 

Drip Coffeemaker - Least effort, most convenient

Requiring the least effort on your end, a drip coffeemaker is a tried-and-true method of getting your daily morning cup. As a bonus, you can program this unit the night before and it will automatically brew for you in the morning! For grind level, use a medium-finely ground coffee (drip ground). 

Hamilton Beach 12 Cup Programmable Drip Coffeemaker

The only accessories you’ll need to use this brewer are properly sized filters. We prefer brown, non-bleached filters. This particular model uses #4 cone filters, which are linked here as well.

Melitta #4 Natural Brown Cone Filters, 100ct

Necessary Accessories

As you can see, multiple brew methods require a gooseneck kettle, especially with a pour over method. The reason a gooseneck kettle is preferred over other types is that the long, skinny neck allows better precision when pouring. We like this electric option and use it at the office and in our in-store demos for sampling.

Bonavita 1.0L Electric Kettle Featuring Gooseneck Spout

A scale will help you measure the proper amount of coffee for the how much you’re looking to brew. This scale reads in both grams and ounces, and is waterproof which makes it easy to clean and safe in case of spills. Do note that only the measuring face is waterproof, and it should never be fully submerged. 

Nicewell Waterproof Digital Food Scale


You can’t brew coffee without water! Water quality is one of the most important factors that can change the way your coffee tastes. If your tap water quality isn’t great, consider purchasing a filter or bottled water for brewing coffee. 


Don’t forget the most important part! You can find your favorite variety of City Girl Coffee right here on our website, and all of our coffee varieties can be purchased with the perfect grind level to fit your preferred brewing method. Shop, brew, and enjoy the perfect cup of coffee all year long with City Girl Coffee Company!

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